Bristol White Clouds sangha hosted a day of mindfulness in Bristol on Saturday 21st September on the theme of No Mud, Not Lotus. We welcomed nearly 40 people from Bristol as well as from further afield including Ireland, Wales and the wider Bristol region.
UK dharma teacher Vari McLuskie led the day, which involved a variety of mindful practices, including sitting and walking meditation, mindful movement, and sharing from the heart as well as offering an insightful dharma talk on the theme of No Mud, No Lotus,
After a delicious shared lunch, the day continued with mindful walking outdoors, total relaxation and touching the earth. The event concluded with a recitation of the Five Mindfulness Trainings and a final period of sitting meditation.
Attendees were able to stop, relax and reflect in a safe and supportive environment, and left feeling refreshed, nourished and further equipped to understand and enjoy life.
The Organising Team would like to extend a special thanks to Ian, Muriel, Llew and Steph for contributing your time and skills to help make the day so peaceful, beautiful and enjoyable for everyone.
Through generous donations we raised a significant sum towards establishing the UK Being Peace Practice Centre. Our thanks to everyone who donated. More information here: https://beingpeace.uk/