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Sidcot Retreat 2024 – The Diamond The Cuts Through Illusion

Five White Clouds Sangha attendees recently had the opportunity to enjoy a retreat at the beautiful Sidcot School in Somerset. The retreat, which was themed around the Diamond Sutra, was led by dharma teachers Teri West and Dene Donalds, along with aspirant dharma teachers Rehena Harilall and Anthony Leete.

The retreat, spread over five days, contained a mix of dharma talks from all of the teachers, sharing groups (culminating in a marvellous Be-In on Sunday night), sessions of mediation and relaxation and many opportunities for informal practice and in-depth chats. There was also the opportunity for the Colours of Compassion, Rainbow Sangha and White Awareness affinity sharing groups to meet.

The school provided great accommodation and meals, and there was a real feeling of warmth and connection throughout.

Retreats offer a unique chance to unwind and relax for a while, and Sidcot was no exception. As we explored some of the sutra’s notions, we could feel that the examples provided by the teachers were personal, profound and, above all, taken from and applicable to everyday life.

Leaving with a feeling of fulfillment and peace, and with plenty to ponder, we already look  looking forward to the next residential retreat.  


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